From [i]nfoNet – Your BBNC Employee Resource.
Volume 1, 2021
2021 Business Travel Outlook
Normalcy on the Horizon
Things are slowly returning to normal in the business world. Many BBNC staff will likely travel in the next quarters for business and networking. As such, this is an excellent time to brush up on travel policies and expenditures to ensure your business expenses are in-line with our corporate compliance policies.
Q: What documentation should I keep from my business travel?
A: Some organizations may require employees to keep all original, itemized receipts except for items included in per diem such as tolls, taxi fare, bus fare, parking, etc. while other companies may only ask for receipts starting at a certain amount, which saves time on processing those receipts.
Your policy should state whether electronic receipts are acceptable—keep in mind that some vendors will no longer print receipts.
If you have questions related to compliance matters, please contact the BBNC Compliance Department. We’re here to help!
Travel Policies: Who Needs One and What to Include
A travel policy is necessary for any company with traveling employees. There are a range of benefits to having a travel policy, not just for the business but also the traveler.
Forecasts for 2021 Business TRavel
Expectations for business travel to resume will be largely seen in companies with comprehensive risk management and travel policy requirements.
News & Events
Where can I access BBNC’s policies?
Policies can be found on the InfoNet Policy Library and OneDrive Policy Library
Policies Request
Please send policies, procedures, handbooks, manuals, and related documents to for inclusion in the Policy Library.