From [i]nfoNet – Your BBNC Employee Resource.
Volume 10, 2020
Q: Communities are often described as groups of like-minded people. Is this accurate?
A: No, they should be open to all, and should span organizational boundaries. The best response to those who want to limit community membership is to ask them, “What’s the harm of someone outside your organization joining a community?” The answer should be none, as there multiple benefits to getting more people to ask and answer questions, solve problems, and learn about the community’s topic.
If you have questions related to compliance matters, please contact the BBNC Compliance Department. We’re here to help!
The 12 Habits Of Highly Collaborative Organizations
Collaboration is indeed a top priority for many business leaders but knowing what makes organizations successful can be a tricky thing.
How to Excel When Working Remotely
At some point over the past six months, following State mandates. many of us have worked from home and continue to do so. The result is a unique blend of in-office and remote collaboration that offers an opportunity to hone our collaboration skills. The silver lining of working remotely partially/temporarily is that teams must take a more intentional approach to people dynamics as opposed to when operating in-person only, and this will only make our company more effective when 100% in-person operations resume again.
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Where can I access BBNC’s policies?
Policies can be found on the InfoNet Policy Library and OneDrive Policy Library
Policies Request
Please send policies, procedures, handbooks, manuals, and related documents to for inclusion in the Policy Library.