From [i]nfoNet – Your BBNC Employee Resource.
Volume 3, 2021
The new workplace
Q: I was in a chat room online where there was a discussion on ANCs. One of the participants made comments about BBNC that were untrue. I logged on and corrected the misnomer. Was this OK?
A: When participating in chat rooms or live industry events, do not represent BBNC unless you have previous authorization to do so. BBNC has trained and authorized certain employees to speak for the company in public. Although your purpose was noble, speaking in the chat room about company matters was inappropriate. Do not confirm or deny information or divulge any confidential information.
Embracing Diversity And Inclusion As A Sustainable, Competitive Advantage
As companies of all sizes grapple with the urgent and complex issues brought on by the pandemic, such as employee and customer safety, revenue slowdowns, business delays and employee downsizing, the commitment to workforce equity might tumble to a distant consideration. However, in the new virtual environment, now is the time for champions of diversity and inclusion initiatives to be more deliberate about connecting with, advocating for and developing diverse talent.
Three types of kindness
There is the kindness of ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ And the kindness of “I was wrong, I’m sorry.”
News & Events
Where can I access BBNC’s policies?
Policies can be found on the InfoNet Policy Library and OneDrive Policy Library
Policies Request
Please send policies, procedures, handbooks, manuals, and related documents to for inclusion in the Policy Library.