From [i]nfoNet – Your BBNC Employee Resource.
Volume 4, 2021
Q: I was on my way to lunch when my co-worker stopped me to say hello. Over the years we have gotten to know each other and are comfortable asking each other for advice. He had a disappointed look and told me his meeting didn’t go well and started venting about how his boss micromanages every little thing and feels that their meetings are pointless.
A: Your co-worker’s intent may not be to stir up any trouble, but chatter does have a habit of invading other employee’s privacy, in this case, your co-worker’s boss. If you come to a situation where your co-worker is “venting” about how his meeting went or a similar situation, ask your co-worker if he has confronted his boss privately and let him know how he really feels about their meetings and his micromanaging. Instead of “venting” to your co-worker, talk it out with your boss, listen for feedback, give feedback, and constantly ask for feedback for ways to improve your team meetings. Remember, treat others how you would like to be treated.
Gossip in the workplace
It is only natural for employees to get to know each other. In fact, it’s great business if your staff members get along and motivate each other to tackle their tasks. But over time, through casual conversation around the office, you get more comfortable with each other. Gossip at work can ruin productivity, spread paranoia, and hinder your ongoing success. It can also destroy trust levels, lower office morale, damage other employees’ feelings, create conflict, and undermine your credibility. So, in this guide, take a look at how you can stomp out needless conversation to stay clear of trouble.
nine ways to get rid of workplace gossip immediately
A few colleagues can quickly take down a company’s morale. Here is what to do to control and boot gossiping.
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