From [i]nfoNet – Your BBNC Employee Resource.
Volume 9, 2020
Q: I plan to take my laptop on an international business trip. The laptop contains technical data and software. Am I subject to trade control laws?
A: Generally, company laptops carried for business use are exempt from documentation and customs requirements. However, certain countries require licensing of encryption software on laptops being carried into the country. If you have a question regarding export control, please contact the BBNC Compliance Department.
If you have questions related to compliance matters, please contact the BBNC Compliance Department. We’re here to help!
Complying with Trade Controls and Sanctions
United States (US) trade controls and sanctions have been enacted to enforce US foreign policy, safeguard national security, and deter terrorist activity.
learn more about export controls from the US department of commerce bureau of industry and security office of exporter controls
Any item that is sent from the United States to a foreign destination is an export. “Items” include commodities, software or technology, such as clothing, building materials, circuit boards, automotive parts, blue prints, design plans, retail software packages and technical information.
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Policies can be found on the InfoNet Policy Library and OneDrive Policy Library
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