Next Level Leadership


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Next Level Leadership is the belief that every BBNC employee has a leadership role when it comes to compliance and ethics. We rely on you to find ways to make ethical operations and practices a part of your everyday duties, and to support others in our business doing the same.


BBNC’s Spotlight on Compliance runs from Nov. 18 – 22. It is an opportunity for all employees to think about how each of us can be a Next Level Leader. BBNC is a world-class company, and our goal is to ensure that each and every employee has the tools, education and resources needed to play an active role in our culture of integrity.

The 7 Pillars of an effective compliance program

What is compliance, and what does it mean? Explore BBNC’s interactive Compliance Wheel below to learn about the Seven Pillars of an effective compliance program along with the key resources that support these efforts.

Click here to learn more about The Compliance Wheel and key resources used by the Compliance Department.

24/7 compliance RESOURCES

BBNC offers Ethics Tools that are available 24/7. For information on the reporting process, what to expect and how to access the secure portal click here for our Interactive Compliance Resource brochure or here to see the Ethics Hotline poster, also linked below. To report a workplace concern, review our Ethics Hotline poster. The Ethics Hotline poster contains information to access the Ethics Hotline 24/7 via phone or the internet.

Other Resources

How do I visit [i]nfonet?

You can access [i]nfonet, BBNC’s employee-focused compliance resource here.

Bristol Bay Region

View a slideshow of images from this beautiful and remote area here.