From [i]nfoNet – Your BBNC Employee Resource.
Volume 2, 2020
Q: During an investigation, one of my co-workers retaliated against the person who made the complaint. If the person files a lawusit for retaliation in the workplace, who may be held responsible for this behavior?
A: The person who retaliated, his or her supervisor, and our company may all be held liable. All employees must understand our company’s non-retaliation policies. If there is a retaliation claim, both the supervisor and the retaliating employee may be subject to fines or disciplinary measures. If you are aware of possible retaliation, you should call the Compliance Department or the Ethics Hotline with the information that you know.
If you have questions related to compliance matters, please contact the BBNC Compliance Department. We’re here to help!
Before you blow the whistle
A whistleblower is a person who publicly denounces illegal or wasteful practices. The term comes from the expression “blow the whistle” and refers to a sports official who calls a foul during the game. When corporate wrongdoing occurs, calling foul as soon as possible can save a company millions in fines and legal fees and preserve a priceless reputation.
Avoiding subtle retaliation
Most people would never intentionally retaliate against a co-worker who reported wrongdoing. Both managers and employees know that reports help BBNC, and that even bad news can help us make improvements that are good for us in the long run.
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Where can I access BBNC’s policies?
Policies can be found on the P Drive.
P:/Compliance Shared/BBNC Policies, Procedures, &Guidelines
Elements of a Successful Compliance Program
BBNC has identified seven pillars that guide our focus on an ethical workplace. Visit the Compliance Wheel, and access a full set of resources designed to help each of us be the [i] in [i]ntergrity.