[i]nfoNet Culture Moment

Cultural preservation is a vital part of BBNC’s mission.

Word of The Day – Water

Words From the Region

Word of the month: Water

Word of the month: Black Bear

Word of the month: Paint

Word of the month: Eagle

Word of the month: Moss

Mosses are small flowerless plants that typically grow in dense green clumps or mats, often in damp or shady locations.

Word of the month: Red Salmon

Sockeye are unique in that they require a lake to rear in as fry, so the river they choose to spawn in must have a lake in the system. This seems to be the most important criteria for choosing a spawning ground, as sockeye adapt to a range of water velocities and substrates.

Word of the Month: Boy

This young man is helping himself to a serving of Akutuq, a tasty dessert treat.